Client: Design Agent

Type of Business: Wedding Planning and Event Management

Project: Leaftlet Design

Designing something with a specific theme, such as a Wedding, required particular color and graphics to bring out the style and feel

© 2021 Copyright  - Louis Li

Client: Design Agent

Type of Business: Wedding Planning and Event Management

Project: Leaftlet Design

Designing something with a specific theme, such as a Wedding, required particular color and graphics to bring out the style and feel

Client: Design Agent

Type of Business: Wedding Planning and Event Management

Project: Leaftlet Design

Designing something with a specific theme, such as a Wedding, required particular color and graphics to bring out the style and feel

Client: Design Agent

Type of Business: Wedding Planning and Event Management

Project: Leaftlet Design

Designing something with a specific theme, such as a Wedding, required particular color and graphics to bring out the style and feel